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Meet The Team » Chris Vogliano, PhD, RDN

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Chris Vogliano, PhD, RDN

Food Systems Expert

USAID Advancing Nutrition

"Science has now caught up with what Indigneous Peoples have known for millennia; humans and the planet are intricately connected. Now is the time to fundamentally shift our food system to produce food that is healthy for both people and the planet.”

Chris Vogliano PhD, RDN, is a Technical Advisor of Food Systems with the United States Agency for International Development – Advancing Nutrition (USAID AN), where he is currently working on adapting and implementing the first-ever global diet quality monitoring system, the diet-quality questionnaire, in partnership with Harvard University and Gallup World Polls. Chris has worked to promote equity and sustainability across the food system, including designing policies and program interventions to improve food security for low-income populations and consulting with Fortune 500 brands on sustainability initiatives. Chris has given over 80 academic presentations both domestically and internationally, published numerous peer-reviewed research publications, and has served as a research fellow for The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and Bioversity International.